Pterophoridae: Pterophorinae

1518 (ABH45.040) Hellinsia lienigianus (=Ovendenia), (Zeller, 1852)


Seghill, Northumberland
Seghill, Northumberland
 Photo © Ian Fisher
Seghill, Northumberland
 Photo © Ian Fisher

General Information

The larvae live in a silken 'tent' on the food plant.

Wingspan: 17-21mm.
Foodplant(s): Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris)
Flying: One generation, July
National status: Nationally Scarce B


Dry pastures and waste ground, usually coastal.

Regional Information

Recorded in 2 (0.7%) of the 270 2km squares of Huntingdonshire.

Last recorded in July 2014

Recorded date range (Adult): 01 July to 04 August

Nationally Scarce B