Pterophoridae: Pterophorinae

1491 (ABH45.026) Cromgrugghia distans (=Oxyptilus), (Zeller, 1847)



General Information
Wingspan: 15-22mm.
Foodplant(s): hawk's-beards (Crepis spp.), hawkweeds (Hieracium spp.), Perennial Sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
Flying: Two generations, May-June and July-August
National status: Nationally Scarce B


Grassland habitats.

Regional Information

Recorded in 3 (1.1%) of the 270 2km squares of Huntingdonshire.

Last recorded in July 2022

Recorded date range (Adult): 01 June to 15 September

Similar Species

Nationally Scarce B