Oecophoridae: Oecophorinae

0642a (ABH28.008) Metalampra italica, Baldizzone, 1977


 Photo © Barry Dickerson
 Photo © Barry Dickerson

General Information

Larvae feed in decaying wood under the bark preferring oak species and often in association with fungi. It is not known whether the larvae feed on the fungi and the decaying wood.

Both sexes come to light.

Wingspan: 12mm
Foodplant(s): decaying wood
Flying: One generation, July-August
UK Presence: Resident
National status: Migrant / Colonist

Regional Information

Recorded in 2 (0.7%) of the 270 2km squares of Huntingdonshire.

Last recorded in September 2023

Recorded date range (Adult): 10 July to 09 September

Migrant / Colonist