
0521 (ABH37.036) Coleophora conyzae, Zeller, 1868



General Information

This species is reasonably distinctive with streaked white and buff forewings.

Overwinters as Overwinters as a larva.

Wingspan: 12-16 mm.
Foodplant(s): Ploughman's-spikenard (Inula conyzae), Common Fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica)
Flying: One generation, June-July
UK Presence: Resident
National status: Nationally Scarce B


Chalk and limestone downland and marsh.

Regional Information

Recorded in 4 (1.5%) of the 270 2km squares of Huntingdonshire.

Last recorded in June 2023

Recorded date range (Adult): 24 June to 10 August

Nationally Scarce B