If you are not a member of HMBG and would like to attend any of the events, please either contact Barry Dickerson on 01480 475689 or use the contact us link.
Field Meetings (subject to the weather)
June 21st Day trip to Essex to see Heath Fritillary and possible Man Orchid. Details to follow, a few days before, to those who have booked.
July 5th – Day trip to Fermyn Wood to see Purple Emperor, White Admiral and others. Details to follow, a few days before, to those who have booked.
August 8th and 9th – Weekend trip to Sussex to see Adonis Blue, Silver-spotted Skipper, Brown Hairstreak and Wall. If you are interested in this trip we will need to known as we will need to book Bed and Breakfast accommodation. ALL BOOKED, SO ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES WILL NEED TO MAKE THEIR OWN ARRANGEMENTS.
As always with these trips it is weather dependant, however if you book on the Sussex trip you will be responsible for payment of your accommodation even if you decide not to go for whatever reason, including bad weather.
Please let me know if you are interested in any or all of the trips, so we will know if to go ahead and make the necessary arrangements.
Moth Trapping at Holme Fen (subject to the weather)
Monday 20th or Tuesday 21st April
Monday 18th May or Tuesday 19th May
Monday 15th June or Tuesday 16th June
Monday 13th July or Tuesday 14th July
Monday 17th August or Tuesday 18th August
Monday 14th September or Tuesday 15th September
Moth Trapping at Woodwalton Fen (subject to the weather)
Friday 12th June
Friday 10th July or Saturday 11th July (we will target the Marsh Carpet at this meeting because it is feared that it may be lost from the fen).
Friday 11th September or Saturday 12th September
Use the 'contact us' page if you want to be kept informed.
Other Events
We may also be trapping in The Railway Covert. These will be arranged at quite short notice. If you have not been before and would like to join us please let me know and I will add you to the list.
The Big Butterfly Count: I know several members partake in this event, so for those that are interested or who would like to join in the dates are from 17th July to 9th August this year. For full details see the Butterfly Conservation web site.